gnome-keyring password ubuntu

After my latest setup of ubuntu 10.04, I was facing problem with the keyring password access whenever I was accessing yahoo on Empathy.

To change gnome-keyring password graphically

Places ==> Home Folder

then, ctrl+h to view the hidden files.

.gnome2 ==> keyrings

delete the the file default.keyring
next time when you’ll try anything like that, it’ll ask for new password.

To change gnome-keyring password for CLI
rm ~/.gnome2/keyrings/default.keyring

to keep backup of the original file
mv ~/.gnome2/keyrings/default.keyring ~/.gnome2/keyrings/default.keyring.bak

alias in unix

alias is probably the best option in order to save key strokes.

to make an alias
suppose I want to open htdocs folder which is in /Application/MAMP/htdocs/ , but for that i have to type few lines in terminal. But by making an alias it can be done with only one small word. To do so, just type this line in the terminal.
alias ht='open /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/'

to see the alias
just type

to remove all aliases
unalias -a

to remove a specific one
unalias [name of the alias]